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Top Woodworking Tips for a Beginner

March 23, 2020 2 min read

Woodworking is an incredibly useful skill to have that allows you to explore your creativity in a practical way by crafting objects that are functional, well designed, and completely unique.

But it can also seem like a slightly daunting hobby to start. It’s a hobby that depends on skill, craft, and putting in the hard work. It’s also a hobby that pays off tremendously, with the ability to gain incredible results when you really apply yourself.

So whether you’ve just started woodworking or you’re trying to decide whether it would be a worthwhile hobby to pick up, we’ve put together some of the most useful tips to get you on the right track.

1. Safety first

Bad woodworking practice can lead to dangerous situations, but if you follow safety precautions the possibility can be all but eliminated alongside the use of safety equipment. But safety always starts with you. Before getting stuck in, make sure you have read all operating instructions for the equipment you’re using and have all the correct PPE (personal protective equipment) to hand to ensure no accidents happen.

2. Use the right tools

There are all kinds of different woodworking machinery and using the right tools will make whatever you’re trying to do much easier than trying to improvise with what you’ve got. As a beginner, it’s important to take time to familiarise yourself with any tools you’re going to be using to ensure safe practice as you work.

Not only is it important to use the right tools, but it’s also important to make sure the equipment you’re using is in good working condition. Not only can using the right equipment decrease any potential safety hazards, it can also result in better overall craftsmanship.

3. Choose the right wood

As a beginner, you don’t want to spend a lot of money and pose the risk of wasting expensive wood. It would be better to consider practicing on more inexpensive woods such as reclaimed or pallet woods until you are more confident in your technique. That way you won’t have to worry about getting everything right the first time and can spend more time making sure you are using the equipment correctly and getting the result that you want.

4. Practice makes perfect

No one starts out woodworking creating perfect end products. It takes time, dedication, and skill, which are all thing you will build up if you just keep practicing. Don’t be discouraged when things go wrong or your craft doesn’t turn out the way you expected it to. Take time to reflect, learn from the experience, and keep on going, and you’ll be a pro woodworker in no time.
